allowing them to explore, investigate, learn and create.
Sunshine Room (2-3 year olds)
This bright and welcoming play space, with a separate art studio, adjoins the ‘Sunshiners’ own outdoor environment. The small group size of 15 children per day allows for responsive and intimate small group experiences.
The 4 early childhood educators have specific toddler training and provide warmth, guidance and support the development of a strong sense of wellbeing. The program focuses on engagement for all children, the development of self-help skills, language acquisition and the delight of play.

Starlight Room (3-4 year olds)
The 3 educators working with this cohort each day provide a program rich in opportunities both indoors and outdoors. Group Times and spontaneous play experiences provide the teachers with opportunities to engage the children in music, numeracy, literacy, science and the creative arts.
The Starlight Room team of educators work intentionally with small groups of children, nurturing and building on each child’s confidence, independence and supporting the children’s social development. There is a strong focus on relationships and encouragement of friendships.

Moonbeam Room (4-5 year olds)
The ‘Moonbeam’ day includes a combination of free play sessions, both indoors and outdoors, as well as more structured Group Times. In this friendly and supportive setting, the educators work alongside children to develop a keen interest in learning.
Skills in concentration and collaboration are facilitated, whilst each child’s natural curiosity and creativity is encouraged.
The Moonbeam Room teachers promote early literacy, numeracy and skills in preparation for a smooth transition to school.